Cinco de Derby, Kentucky de Mayo

It’s a cosmic confluence that was surely foretold by the Aztecs: Cinco de Mayo and the Kentucky Derby fall on the same day this year. In another case of synchronicity, Dave Stolte (Home Bar Basics) and Chris Bostick (The Varnish) made Margaritas and Mint Juleps (and a lot of other cocktails) at a recent gathering…

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Midnight in Paris: Rendezvous at Pour Vous

Pour Vous lounge

After an extended buildout that continued to generate anticipation over the last several months, Pour Vous is now open. Steve Livigni and Pablo Moix head an all-star team that includes bar manager Dave Fernie, Adrian Biggs, Devon Espinosa and Lindsay Nader.

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Art Beyond the Glass

Dale DeGroff and John Pisano

At Art Beyond the Glass, everything from the cocktails to the art hanging on the walls and the music coming out of the speakers will be created by LA bartenders.

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