La Descarga: A Postcard from Old Havana

“My mojito in La Bodeguita, My daiquiri in El Floridita.” ~ Ernest Hemingway Hemingway’s handwritten tribute to his favorite cocktails can be found at La Bodeguita del Medio, one of his regular haunts in Havana. Papa would no doubt feel right at home at La Descarga, the East Hollywood bar that opened last Tuesday to…

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All the Booze That’s Fit to Print – January 2010

An occasional roundup of L.A. cocktail culture in various media. Before recapping a busy January 2010 (see below) let’s take one last look at December 2009 and the decade that was. In its Dec. 29th edition, the NY Times published A Decade of Invention and Reinvention, its look at mixology trends of the decade. Topping…

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