Photo: Copa d'Oro
On Saturday, December 18th, three Santa Monica bars will be getting in the spirit of the season with a Holiday Pub Crawl. After purchasing the $16 ticket, guests will be able to choose one of two special cocktails at each of the participating bars:
- Bar Chloe – Chamomile Mai Tai, Old Cuban
- Copa d’Oro – Moscow Mule, Buck Fizz
- The Yard – Herradura Margarita, Hot Buttered Rum
In addition to the free drinks, each bar will be hosting drink specials during the crawl.
Holiday Pub Crawl
Hosted by Bar Chloe, Copa d’Oro, The Yard
Saturday, December 18, 2010
- 3 drinks included with ticket purchase
- Drink specials at each bar
$16 tickets available online: thirdstreetmagazine.com/holiday_crawl.html
Tickets may also be purchased at each bar on Saturday.
Bar Chloe
1449 Second St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 899-6999
Copa d’Oro
217 Broadway Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 576-3030
The Yard
119 Broadway Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 395-6037
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Thirsty in LA, Melissa Jachetti and 3rd Street Magazine, The Yard SM. The Yard SM said: RT @ThirstyInLA: Sat. 12/18, Holiday Pub Crawl w/ Bar Chloe, @CopadOro, @TheYardSM: http://bit.ly/hzUXi5 ~3 drinks for $16, drink specia … […]
Love all three bars! I am for sure going!
If you are looking for a good time Dec 18, Santa Monica will be full of crawlers dressed up in Holiday costume (I’m going as a Christmas Tree) for the SANTA MONICA PUB CRAWL
Register at http://www.santamonicapubcrawl.com/
Bring 3 cans of food or $5 donation for Westside food bank.
Cheers to crawling for a good cause.
There are 3 diff routes and 6 or 7 bars on each route. Each with drink and food specials available to crawlers with wristbands! Its going to be a blast and donating gets you in the giving holiday spirit!