Photo: Eugene Lee
“Come on, let's get something to eat. I'm thirsty.” ~ Nick Charles, After the Thin Man
Daniel Djang is the founder of Thirsty in LA, an award-winning cocktail and spirits blog based in Los Angeles. Since launching Thirsty in LA in May 2009, Daniel’s articles and photos have been featured in CLASS Magazine, Bar Magazine, Dine LA, Discover Los Angeles, CBS Los Angeles, Preservation Magazine, San Francisco Travel, Société Perrier, Where Magazine and Wine Enthusiast. Daniel was featured in Imbibe magazine's first-ever city issue and curated the Koreatown guide.
Daniel has served as a judge on the West Coast committee of the Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Awards. He recently participated in the committee for the Spirited Awards Timeless U.S. and International Awards, presented to Tiki-Ti in LA and the Long Bar at Raffles Singapore, respectively.
He’s also judged numerous cocktail competitions, including Tequila Ocho, Espolon Tequila, Monkey Shoulder, William Grant & Sons, Campari, Don Q, Experience Cognac and Jimmy Barella. Daniel has participated in industry panels at Portland Cocktail Week and KPCC.
Along with Zahra Bates, Daniel is the co-founder of Art Beyond the Glass, a cocktail festival that gives bartenders the opportunity to showcase their creative pursuits outside of the bar, as well as give back to the community through its fundraising component. ABTG has donated more than $250,000 to local arts nonprofits in LA and across the country since its inaugural event in 2012.
When he’s not bending an elbow for Thirsty in LA, Daniel is the Content Manager for Discover Los Angeles, the award-winning website of the Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board.
Welcome to the blogosphere, Daniel. Nice to see yet another person dip their toe into the online world. Let me know if you’d like to cross link. I’m adding a links page to my website.
All best, Natalie
Daniel: My liver is evil and must be punished! Thank you for taking my enthusiasm for alcohol even higher.
Cheers, Jack! Looking forward to the next session.
Oh, we should so go out drinking one day. Love the site
Would love to, Yolanda! Thanks for visiting.
Just hit me up on twitter as I am following you. I’m yolie007
Jeez, where the hell have I been, and why am I stumbling into this website only now? *smack forehead*
Great job! Onto the blogroll you go. 🙂
Thanks Chuck! Right back atcha…and Happy Repeal Day! 🙂
Hi Daniel,
Great blog!
I just got a bit confused, though, as I just responded to one of your tweets on one of your Twitter accounts (I think? Maybe it was a personal one). When I give you a shout-out on a Trazzler account, which @name would you like me to use?
Thanks Cheri! I replied on Twitter, thanks for taking the time to find me. 🙂
You are a fine asset indeed, sir–a real pleasure imbibing with you at Tar Pit. Thank you for aptly making LA a little more thirsty every day. I will very much look forward to our next meeting–agave, wasn’t that the idea…?
Cheers, Wyatt! The pleasure was all mine. LIkewise looking forward to our next session, and agave will indeed be involved.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll (as you’re on mine too). I love that we both started cocktail culture blogs on opposite coasts on World Cocktail Day ’09–how appropriate!
Great minds drink alike! Very cool indeed. Cheers!
Thanks to your comment and The Drunken Army, I stumbled onto your site Daniel and find you linked to the Den on Twitter! Awesome & Thanks! Glad to make your virtual acquaintance and I’ll be adding you to the ole Blog roll.
Cheers, Marshall! Thanks for the add, I’ll be doing the same 🙂
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