Sponsored Giveaway: Jacob Bromwell Classic Tin Cup

Classic Tin Cup - Jacob Bromwell

“Artisan” and “handcrafted” are words that get tossed around a lot these days, but at Jacob Bromwell they’ve been part of the company tradition for over 190 years. Jacob Bromwell was founded in 1819 with a mission to manufacture authentic campfire, kitchen, and fireplace products for “explorers, adventurers, homemakers, and traditionalists everywhere.” All Jacob Bromwell products continue to be made in the USA and are backed by a Lifetime Guarantee.

Some factoids about this uniquely American specialty housewares company:

  • 34th oldest continuously owned and operated company in the United States.
  • Oldest manufacturer of tin and stainless steel products in the United States.
  • Oldest housewares company in North America.
  • Oldest manufacturer of campfire poppers and roasters in the world.
  • Designs, manufacturing process, and materials remain unchanged since 1819.
  • All products are non-electric and Made in the USA.

With its roots in Ohio, the company is now managed by a team of USC graduates with offices in Phoenix and Los Angeles. According to President Sean Bandawat, “Everything is authentic about this company. Our products are still made with American hands. Even our logo represents the man’s own mark, made with his own hand.” Eric Stanton, Vice President of Sales, agrees: “We’re all about letting our customers re-experience the simple and genuine American past as an antidote to our over-perfected modern lifestyle. We hope to evoke within our customers a sense of family, pride, and connection to our past.”

Of course, back in the day there weren’t any bars for you to stop into while you were out on the trail, and you certainly didn’t carry a glass in your pack to enjoy your whiskey around the campfire. No, what you used was an all-purpose tin cup. At Jacob Bromwell, the Classic Tin Cup ($25) is assembled by hand “with a little help from the original equipment.” Standard issue during the Civil War, the tin cup is a simple, pure way to enjoy your favorite whiskey, whether you’re camping in the mountains or reading a favorite book by a roaring fire. (remember books?) There are plenty of non-imbibing uses for the tin cup as well, just let your imagination flow.

“Take a sip from this historically-correct Classic Tin Cup, just as our forefathers did over the creation of our great nation. We’ve been handcrafting these tin cups for nearly 200 years, without welding or soldering, just like in the early 1800s when the American West was young.”

Tin Cup Giveaway (Contest Closed)
And now, you’ll have an opportunity to get into that pioneering spirit yourself, because the folks at Jacob Bromwell are giving away two Classic Tin Cups to Thirsty in LA readers! To enter the tin cup giveaway, all you have to do is “Like” the Jacob Bromwell Facebook page, then leave a comment in this post about how you’d use a Classic Tin Cup. Comments are closed at 12pm PST on Tuesday, July 19, 2011. Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified by email.

Update Tuesday 7/19: The Classic Tin Cup giveaway has ended.

Jacob Bromwell Coupon
Interested in other Jacob Bromwell products, like the bestselling Frontier Frying Pan or the Original Popcorn Popper? Take advantage of this exclusive coupon, good for a 15% discount on any purchase from the Jacob Bromwell online store: THIRSTYIN1819

For more information on Jacob Bromwell, visit www.jacobbromwell.com.

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  1. Katie J on July 13, 2011 at 10:24 am

    I would use the classic tin cup to enjoy some whiskey after a long day of work. When not drinking from it, I would proudly display it in my kitchen. I love the look and history of it!

  2. Andy on July 13, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    I would use the cup to drink some tasty bourbon, maybe even make a julep in in it…

  3. Evan T on July 13, 2011 at 12:42 pm

    Well, my first thought was to use it for hot toddies, but then I realized that the heat-conducting metal would just burn your hand. Instead, I think it’d be best used for juleps or bucks/mules. Some sort of whiskey buck seems perfect – like a Moscow Mule, but with American whiskey replacing the Vodka and this cup replacing the copper one.

  4. Jeremy on July 14, 2011 at 8:54 am

    Dressed in Civil War attire I would mount my trusty steed and ride through the neighborhood handing out orders and rations. When asked what gives me the authority to confiscate fruit from my neighbor’s trees or let my horse dump in the middle of the street I would proudly hold up my tin cup and smile.

  5. Samantha A. on July 15, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    Two words: Rye. Whiskey.
    And when not filled with booze, they will be on display next to the Bulleit (or Whistlepig when I find a way to win a bottle) in my home bar.

  6. thirstyinla on July 19, 2011 at 1:09 pm

    Thanks for the comments, everyone! The contest is now closed and congratulations are in order to Evan and Jeremy. You’ve each won a Classic Tin Cup from Jacob Bromwell, so keep an eye out for the email. Cheers!

  7. Gary Hertel on November 28, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    I have been reading many novels lately, the latest is the Journal of a Trapper written by trapper Osborne Russell in the mid to late 1830’s. I envision those on the trail drinking out of these type tin cups. Being an avid hunter and outdoorsman I longed for the real thing and I think I have found it…